Friday, 13 November 2015

Errors - Studio Brief 03 - OUGD504

One thing that is never documented in my process throughout projects is the errors that occur during and after the brief.

This being a book brief, and books are renowned for being finicky and hold a hell of a lot of content. This means much more room for error.

1. Coptic Binding:

From the get go, coptic was the obvious choice when researching for my book. It reflects the content and style of the images best. However, it proved itself to be much more difficult than just a standard saddle stitch or even case bound for that matter. For example, my mock ups for coptic were extremely rough around the edges and keeps making me want to change the binding technique, having said this, I feel that the final book will be much easier to bind than the mock-up as it uses thicker wood and heavier stock.

2. Folio page numbering

Within inDesign, I had to manually number the pages to ensure the they were precisely aligned to my grid. However, this (for some bizarre reason) posed an issue when it came to sending it to the printers. The number would be perfect on screen, and in the correct place, but when they were sent to print, a few of the first pages would have the correct placement and then all of a sudden they would go off whack. Maybe a bug in Adobe CC 2015? It wouldn't surprise me. Annoyingly, this cannot be fixed.

Overall, I am impressed that more things haven't gone wrong in this brief. As I have already done a few publications in the previous year and created many mock-ups for this current publication, I feel experience has finally paid off and I am now confident I can produce something industry standard.

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