Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Magazines - Studio Brief 03 - OUGD405

The basic process:

  1. Concept or Idea
  2. Content and Image
  3. Design and Layout
  4. Gather materials and required equipment (Paper, binding material, printer)
  5. Test Print
  6. Fix issues within the prototyping
  7. Final Print
  8. Publish
  9. Distribute
  10. Promote

That is about as simplified as I could have made it, of course it isn't that simple when you look more in depth. Like does the content inform? Is it for pleasure? All of these different aspects of the zine will affect the way it is produced.

Grid System

Everything I create fits within some sort of grid. For some people this may not be the case but I find it's the only way I can put some sort of logical order within my work. It makes it easier to see and you can manipulate the viewer to look at it in a certain way, maybe in a particular way or order.

These are images of Josef Müller Brockmann as I have always admired his work and its close relation to minimalism.

The image above is probably my favourite example of his grid logic. The use of a single column of text doesn't overwhelm the reader with content and the use of the images within a 4 column order with a slight border is genius. It almost creates another image within the 4 images.

I love the incorporation of text with image in this example. As you can see an 'F' which is made up by what looks like an image of the side of a factory or something similar. combining image with type is also a great way to display information. Like creating a clipping mask over some text to be more literal when writing about a specific subject.

The image above shows more use o text than the others. I think it struggles in comparison, this is because the text looks slightly out of place when you look at the spread as a whole, if the point size was to be consistent throughout the specimen it would look fantastic.

This piece shows only text. I think that using this technique would be too formal as it is an informative zine I think that I should just stick to a single block of text and image. That way it will show consistency and not look like a completely different zine from page to page.

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