Sunday, 12 October 2014

Studio Brief 01 - Visual Thinking - Alphabet Soup - OUBG403

We have been briefed to manipulate the typeface that best suits my personality, in my case, this is Futura from Vegnellis 6 basic typefaces. I am then given a word that I must link to all of the (10) letters in some way or another. The word I picked out of the hat was 'Saturated'. I must create a set, series or sequence of 10 letterforms.

As a starter, we were split into groups and given a word to compare/describe what we best thought it represents. I my case, we'd gotten 'Modern'. In order to differentiate the word, we compared the word 'Traditional'.

An image of the comparison my group and I had devised.

The definition of Saturated/Saturate, courtesy of Google.

To begin my research I have decided to look at more of a recent typographer and try linking her outlook and values of type into my own work.

Gemma O'Brien (aka Mrs Eaves) is an Australian typographer and illustrator, she primarily focuses in creative ways of representing type to convey a meaning within the letters she produces.

Here is a short introduction to her and her work:

I have chosen to use her in my research because she is quite different in terms of the way she delivers her work. For example, she did a series of 'doodles' whilst she was on her travels. These were drawings on motion sickness bags that would hold a pun of some sort, they would also be represented in the form of hand drawn lettering.

'You make me sick' - A set of images she would upload to the internet that gradually caught on to become something which is seen in exhibitions. #SpewBagChallenge.

Just a few examples of O'Brien's witty lettering puns.

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